
Best Retirement Ever

· Planning now for a great retirement ·

Feb, 09, 2021
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Wow, never thought I would be thinking about retirement. Aside from financial planning, never thought retirement was for me. Figured I would work forever. Then the unthinkable happened, I got old-ish. Don’t want to imply I am old by, sit on the porch with purplish hair, until I rot old, but that I actually can and want to do something else with my life.

With reality sitting in, I can now see the mistakes so many I coach from my corporate Human Resources view, have made. Retirement was a fixed point in time and not an actual life change. Frightfully, many retirees passed soon after retirement, and others thrived, even looking years younger. So what is the secret? What were the differentiating characteristics of their approach to retirement? Chatting with so many after retirement, it became clear; they were excited about their new adventure and planned for it. Not just that they had enough money, which of course is essential, but actually had a plan for what they were going to do ( Seemed simple enough, but how many of us actually engage in active goal planning for our everyday lives, let alone, actual retirement?

A little plug for personal goal planning. I have had a time planner of sorts since graduating from University. Recently, while doing a little downsizing of stuff, found some old goal sheets. Nothing fancy, just a piece of paper with theoretical year goals and five year goals. These were things like, learn to scuba dive, buy a car, get a masters degree, zip-line, go on a cruise and a littany of other items. I made the list, tucked it away and that was that. Ironically, I have done this pretty much every year. The interesting thing, was how many of those one off goals I had actually accomplished. No grand plan, just simply writing it down.

Now I know from experience, had I engaged in detailed planning, I would have achieved more but was surprised at the results nonetheless.

“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.”

Gloria Steinem

So what to do? Simply take the time now, to plan for your next decade. I am looking at the back end of 50, but this applies to every time in your life. Trust me, if you are lucky, you will age and time will move forward. It is your decision, to actually plan your way, and have a sense of direction.

The one truth, as we get older, our bodies don’t always know the plan, hence contingencies may be needed. For example, if you had planned to tour around in a van for a couple of years, but now need regular medical care, have a back up plan, so you don’t feel cheated and just give up. Find a charity, manage a camp ground near home for a summer, travel more locally, or have an insurance plan that will accommodate doctors in remote areas. Choice is yours, but at least it is your choice and your plan (

Mine is starting this business and blog. Having a focus that includes travel, the creation of products and crafts as well as exploring different aspects of life, is my way of planning for my future! What is yours?

Next phase will be awesome.


As a woman over 50, I recognized that I could see my professional career winding down. Yes, my name is attached to the person with "the most experience" in the group. Funny, I remember being the youngest. The kiddos are now adults (supposedly), but are finishing up college, and on their way to starting their professional careers. Now is the time for me to reinvent me. Join me as I try all those crazy get rich ideas on Tick-Tock, all the DYI crafts, some of the tried and true crafts, enjoy some Vino, and take some amazing adventures. Just remember: Be Kind, Don't for your WHY, and enjoy the Wanderlust. Old doesn't mean fearful- and life is for the living! Join me for the journey.

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Christina- learning to reinvent myself in the second 50 years of my life through travel, financial exploration and just plain being fearless. Join me?

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