Make Spring cleaning equal cash: you deserve a little extra money in your pocket!

· Earn a little extra cash reselling your clothes and household goods. ·

Feb, 07, 2021
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Spring cleaning is almost upon us. I know that every year, as we clean out closets and drawers, we make quite a few trips to the goodwill. Although a good option to clear out the closets, they can be a way to earn a little extra cash. Full disclosure, my adult daughter has been using Posh Mark, to sell some of her clothes ( hmmm- I think some I gave her), and as a way to get new clothes on her limited budget. Note, that you can list all sorts of household goods, but name brand and popular items work best; Scentsy, Athleta, Pottery Barn, and Lululemon, to name just a few.

Poshmark is an app where you can easily buy and sell, clothing and other goods.

Every user has a “closet” space where you can add new items to sell to other users on the app.

When adding a new item to sell, here are some tips as well as the basic steps.

1: For some well known or popular brands, there are hundreds of listings. So the challenge is to make your post stand out. One way, is to find the original picture for the distributor. They will have already spent the money on models, lighting, and stagging. Choose the photo that you want your potential buyers to see first, or commonly called the “display” photo.

2: Then take photos of your item, both front and back, to show the condition of the item. Fully disclose if there are rips, stains, or anything else wrong with the item. Just use your iPone and frame the item in a contrasting color. Always show the tag with the label, and if it is a new item, show the tag.

3: Upload all your photos, including a detailed description, again with details of any wear and tear.

4: Pricing can be tricky. First see how much the item is selling for from the orginal store, and your item is still for sale. If so, choose the pricing accordingly.

5: Costs to you. The old saying, “nothing is for free”, apply here as well. Poshmark will take $2.95 fee from your sale under $15.00, and 20% of all sales more than $15.00. THat may sound steep, but Poshmark supplies prepaid shipping that is built into the service. Not a bad way to earn a little more cash.

Poshmark is just one avenue to sell items. There are so many more; Decluttr, Facebook, Offerup, eBay, Chairish, Dealo, etc.. Like anything else, this could be a way to make a little extra cash:

Pros: no inventory required (other than what you have on hand), no upfront costs, all app based, shipping charges included and the company takes care of the back end advertising.

Cons: no control if items will sell, competing with a lot of sellers, inventory shortage, unless you want to shop garage sales and good will, and then resell.

Many a niche store has been developed through the resale of items. So, good luck with your first resell!

assorted apparel and accessories for dress sewing in tailor atelier
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on


As a woman over 50, I recognized that I could see my professional career winding down. Yes, my name is attached to the person with "the most experience" in the group. Funny, I remember being the youngest. The kiddos are now adults (supposedly), but are finishing up college, and on their way to starting their professional careers. Now is the time for me to reinvent me. Join me as I try all those crazy get rich ideas on Tick-Tock, all the DYI crafts, some of the tried and true crafts, enjoy some Vino, and take some amazing adventures. Just remember: Be Kind, Don't for your WHY, and enjoy the Wanderlust. Old doesn't mean fearful- and life is for the living! Join me for the journey.

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Christina- learning to reinvent myself in the second 50 years of my life through travel, financial exploration and just plain being fearless. Join me?

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